Clubs and Organizations

How to Start a Club

Students interested in starting a club on MCCC's campus should contact the Dean of Student Success by calling (734) 384-4183 or

Student Clubs

Current Status: Active


Art Club
Advisor: Therese O’Halloran

Current Status: Active

To create a loving, Christ-centered community that is active on the college campus.

To create an atmosphere where the message of Jesus can be shared at the college with gentleness and respect.

To celebrate, study and explore the biblical scriptures and apply them to our lives.

To be transformed to look, act and speak more like Jesus through events, Bible studies and acts of service to others on the college campus, to the greater Monroe community and beyond.

The club meets Monday afternoons 2:30-3:30pm in the La-Z-Boy Atrium. 

MCCC Christ Centered Community (MC6)
Advisor: Tim Curry

Current Status: Active

刑事司法俱乐部的宗旨是促进和增加对刑事司法的兴趣,因为这与俱乐部成员的利益有关. 它帮助俱乐部成员的职业发展和求职,并将有助于扩大刑事司法系统的知识. Members participate in activities that promote justice and increase awareness and knowledge.

Criminal Justice Club
Advisor: Daniel Wood


Current Status: Inactive

戏剧社的目的是识别和统一喜欢戏剧艺术的学生,并提供进一步探索和参与从古典到现代的许多创造性和权威性分支的渠道, stimulating and fostering a greater understanding and zealous attitude towards arts advocacy and networking.  

Current Status: Inactive

十大外围app教育变革协会的宗旨是为学生提供一个教育和社会支持组织,促进在教育领域发展领导能力和网络技能的机会. 教育变革协会将提高人们对该县幼儿及其家庭需求的认识, providing opportunities for members to assist and support organizations that serve them. 

Current Status: Inactive

电子竞技俱乐部的目的是让MCCC的学生能够在受控的环境中与其他MCCC学生一起玩电子游戏.  This will allow students the opportunity to get to know other students on campus, as well as test their skills in their favorite video games.  Students will also be able to have friendly competitions with one another in different games.  这个俱乐部将使中冶进入不断发展的电子竞技世界,并为我们的学生提供一个放松和玩电子游戏的地方.

Current Status: Inactive

十大外围app大学农场局俱乐部的宗旨是在校园内倡导农业, within the community and with the Michigan Farm Bureau to educate and promote the policies, goals and purposes of the American Farm Bureau Federation.  它旨在将农业专业的学生聚集在一起,让他们参与教育活动,以提高他们的未来,并建立对该行业的认识. The group offers opportunities to students in leadership development and citizenship engagement, enhancing career opportunities, community service and professional networking. 

Current Status: Inactive

Gabby 's Ladder学生俱乐部为正在经历失去亲人和经历悲伤过程的MCCC学生提供悲伤支持小组和活动. 这个俱乐部在一个安全的地方为悲伤的学生提供指导步骤和爱的支持,帮助他们一步一步地走出悲伤,找到治愈的道路. 

Current Status: Active

The mission of the Gender & Sexuality Alliance of Monroe County Community College is to provide a strong, 为LGBTQ学生和那些希望更多了解LGBTQ问题和文化的人提供资源. Our main goal is to break down the barriers of stereotypes and misconceptions of the LGBTQ community. The club is open to ALL open-minded students and community members, including straight allies. We hold events all year long at the Main Campus. 

Gay Straight Alliance
Advisor Melissa Grey
Advisor: Jenna Bazzell
(734) 384-4295


Current Status: Active


Intramural Sports Club
Advisor: Kojo Quartey
(734) 384-4166

Current Status: Inactive

The Lambda Alpha Nu Club is designed to promote leadership, social interaction, enhance career experience, develop networks and promote teamwork.  

Current Status: Active

The mission of the Student Library Advisory Club (SLAC) is to promote library programs, reading, 和信息素养,并通过学生读书俱乐部等图书馆活动丰富社区生活. This club aims to include student voices and decisions in the library’s events and collection.

Student Library Advisory Club (SLAC)
Advisor: Eliabeth Hartig
(734) 384-4162 

Current Status: Active

The mission of the MCCC Multicultural Student Association is to cultivate a vibrant, inclusive community on campus that fosters cultural awareness, acceptance, and appreciation. 我们寻求庆祝和拥抱我们的差异,同时促进不同文化和经历之间的对话和理解.

Multicultural Student Association
Advisor: Nancy Lucero
(734) 384-4226


Current Status: Active

Phi Theta Kappa is an international honor society for two-year colleges. Membership in Phi Theta Kappa is by invitation to all students who achieve a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 and have earned at least 12 semester hours at MCCC. Designated scholarships for members, totaling $36 million, are offered by about 600 four-year colleges and universities.

Phi Theta Kappa
Advisor: Gerald McCarty
(734) 384-4183

Another 18 members were inducted to PTK in 2022. MCCC's PTK chapter was chartered on January 14, 1969, with four members. Since that time,  over 2000 MCCC students have become members of PTK. 

Phi Theta Kappa 2022 inductees

Current Status: Active

心理学兴趣小组的目的是提供一个授权社区,让对心理学感兴趣的学生可以提高他们的领导能力, educational and/or career pursuits together; to expand member’s knowledge of the functions and workings of fields in psychology; to provide resources to any member who needs assistance in the area of psychology study or career growth; to provide experience that enriches the study outside the classroom; to provide non-academic and/or community based opportunities to engage in the applications of psychology, and to promote an increase interests in psychology on campus. 

Psychology Interest Group
Advisor: Patrick Wise
Advisor Melissa Grey

Current Status: Active

Open to all students who have been accepted to the Respiratory Therapy Program.. 

Raspatory Therapy Student Organization (Even Cohort)
Advisor: Angela Prush

Raspatory Therapy Student Organization (Odd Cohort)
Advisor: Kayla Ford
(734) 384-4103

Current Status: Inactive

MCCC机器人俱乐部的使命是向现在和未来的MCCC学生推广机器人和STEM教育, 支持MCCC的机器人项目,并通过社区服务活动丰富社区生活. 

Student GovernmentCurrent Status: Active

MCCC Student Government provides an opportunity for students to have their voice heard around the campus. By supporting student organizations and planning exciting campus activities, MCCC Student Government works to create a fun atmosphere that fosters a community feeling among students. 参加这些类型的组织和活动是培养领导能力和丰富大学经历的好方法. 

Student Government Association (SGA)
Advisor: Scott Behrens

Current Status: Active

Open to all students who have been accepted into the Nursing program. 

Student Nurse Association
Advisor: Dawn Lymond
(734) 384-4266


Student Organizations

Current Status: Active

The Agora is primarily an online publication. 该刊物由MCCC新闻专业的学生在指导老师和学生编辑的指导下制作. Often the recipient of state awards, the Agora reports on school events and other issues of interest to the college community. Students interested in getting involved with the Agora should contact Matthew Bird-Meyer at (734) 384-4288

Visit The Agora Web site

大使的任务是为MCCC提供学生领袖,他们将以官方身份参加全年的特别活动. Student Ambassadors will promote the college by reaching out to prospective students, conducting campus tours, speaking to business leaders and civic groups, and by helping to welcome new students to campus. 


The Agora Chorale is a mixed ensemble comprised of singers from the community and the college. The Chorale presents concerts, no less than two each semester, both on and off campus. For more information, contact Jonathan Lunneberg at

The College/Community Symphony Band is open to instrumentalists having previous music experience. Membership includes college students and citizens from the community. The band performs for college functions and concerts, as well as for community programs. Admission is by application and audition to the director. For more information, contact Mark Felder at (734) 735-5462.

交际舞的目的是形成一个充满乐趣和邀请气氛的交际舞俱乐部,在这里,任何能力和年龄的学生都可以自信地学习和练习各种交际舞步骤和风格,促进身体健康, musicality, cultural awareness, manners and proper etiquette. Please contact Kellie Lajiness at


十大外围app及其雇员不承担任何法律责任或责任,也不作任何保证, expressed or implied, for the accuracy, 上述学生俱乐部及组织网页所载的任何资料或陈述是否完整或有用.

The Web pages of student clubs and organizations and any opinions, endorsements, recommendations, 此处包含的信息或陈述是特定个人或组织的创造,并不一定反映十大外围app的意见或观点.